
The Liebster Award

Hi guys!

This is crazy! I’ve been nominated for four awards in the past 2 days (except I’m scheduling these posts so I don’t spam you guys). Thank you so much to everyone who has nominated me. Beauty Taless at has nominated me for this award, so definitely go check out her blog, it’s a great one! x

Others which have nominated me (thank you!):

Now on to the questions… (There were no rules stated on her blog)


  1. Why did you start blogging?
    It’s the holidays so I thought it would be a fun thing to do to pass the time and interact with more people.
  2. What is your favourite movie?
    I don’t really watch many movies, but at the moment it’s the Great Gatsby.
  3. What is your holy grail beauty product?
    Maybelline Fit Me Foundation.
  4. Favourite youtuber?
    This one is soo hard, I think I would I have to said it’s Weylie.
  5. Favourite blogger?
    I’m quite new to the blogging community, but my favourite blogger atm is newbeautyaddict.
  6. How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
    I’ve answered this one previously and I said: hardworking, organised and kind (most times anyway) haha.
  7. Who is your favourite band/singer?
    My favourite singer would be Katy Perry.
  8. Where would you like to go on holidays next?
    On a road trip!
  9. What is your favourite food?
    I love chicken corn soup.
  10. Celebrity crush?
    Don’t have one, but I think Emma Watson is gorgeous!

My questions to you guys:

  1. What’s three things on your bucketlist?
  2. Craziest thing you’ve done?
  3. What’s one place you would love to visit?
  4. Best thing you have accomplished?
  5. Favourite item (clothings, jewellery, etc).
  6. Favourite food?
  7. What made you start blogging?
  8. Where do you hope your blog to be in five years?
  9. Funniest moment you’ve had?
  10. Where do you see yourself in five years?

I nominate:





One more thing, I’ve ordered my first beauty subscription box (The Violet Box) and I cannot tell you how excited I am for it to arrive! Hehe.

Amy x

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

As I finished writing my other two award nomination posts, Ollie & Oscar at: nominated me for yet another award: the Very Inspiring Blogger Award! I am thrilled to see that individuals enjoy and find my blog posts inspiring, it really makes me so happy! Definitely check out their blog, I love their layout and the posts they make – you won’t regret it! x

UPDATE 22/01/15 – Ingrid has just nominated me for this award, which I am thrilled about! It’s really crazy how many of you enjoy reading my blog which makes me so happy! Definitely check out her blog x

The rules for this award –

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and add their link to your blog
  2. List the award rules so your nominees will know what to do.
  3.  State 7 things about yourself.
  4. Nominate other bloggers.
  5. Contact your nominees and provide a link to your post.
  6. Display the award logo (button) on your blog, whether on your sidebar or about page, or special award page.

I just did my post on the Versatile Blogger Award, which was quite similar to this one, in the way that the rules were to state 7 facts about yourself, so lucky you guys! You can get to know more about me (yay, right? 😉 ). I wonder how long it will take me to think of another 7… haha! It took me ages to think of facts for my other post – so I’m thinking I’ll make these ones more personal.


1. I’m an ABC (Australian born Chinese).

2. I have one sister called Jessica and one brother called Jeremy.

3. I am about 170cm (haven’t measured myself in ages, but I’m pretty sure that’s my height).

4. I hate tomatoes with a passion but I love tomato sauce (anyone else? hahaha)

5. I work at Dominos and pizza and garlic bread are my fav junk food.

6. I started blogging only 2 months ago (and I absolutely love it).

7. All the subjects I’m studying are basically the humanities (ie business studies, legal studies and economics) – as well as math and english.

I nominate:





Versatile Blogger Award

Hi guuuys!

This is the second award I was nominated for in one day, which is so amazing and makes me really happy! I’d like to thank littleonebeauty at: for nominating me! Definitely go show and her blog some love, I love it! x

Others which have nominated me (thank you all so much, I really appreciate it! <3)

Show the award on your blog
Thank the person who nominated you
Share seven facts about yourself
Nominate 15 blogs
Link your nominees and let them know them know.



1. I’ve never been overseas or on a plane.


2. I’ve played violin in the Opera House twice.


3. Currently in my final year of studies.

hermit crabs

4. I used to have two hermit crabs as pets.


5. I love basically all fruits, but mango is my all time fav.


6. I can only speak one language but wish I could speak more.


7. I’m obsessed with collecting phone cases (and many other things…). PS these aren’t mine but I may do an iPhone case collection soon, so stay tuned for that ;).

*Photos aren’t owned by me.

I nominate:





I’d just like to say I really appreciate and love everyone one of you who likes, comments and follows me! It means the world to me <3!

Amy x

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

Hi guys!

I’m was so happy and excited when I realised I had been nominated for not one, but TWO awards! Toby from nominated me for the Sisterhood award and I’m sooo thankful for that! Definitely go and show her blog some love, it’s a great read. x

Other wonderful blogs who have nominated me:

The rules are as follows:

Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site. Put the Award logo on your blog. Answer the ten questions sent to you. Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer. Nominate seven blogs.

  1. Describe yourself in three words
    This is a hard one – describing yourself is always hard & you don’t want to sound arrogant. I think I would describe myself as hard working, organised and understanding (most of the time anyway, haha!)
  2. What made you start blogging?
    My 6 week break came up so I thought it’d be a great way to pass time & it seemed fun.
  3. Where do you usually find yourself while posting?
    I usually find myself posting about fashion inspired things or personal posts (I think that answered the question).
  4. Tell me about your happiest moment.
    There are many things which I could pick, but I think it would be when my boyfriend made me origami flowers for Valentine’s Day with little messages inside them, it was soo cute.
  5. Tell me three things that is on your bucket list.
    Love this question. Mine are:
    – To go hiking up Mt Kosciuszko again – was probably one of the best experiences of my life!
    – Visit Europe
    – Learn another language (even though I’m Chinese, I can’t speak Cantonese or Mandarin 😦 )
  6. What is your favorite post?
    So far my favourite post is the one where I show you all my nail designs (
  7. Which city/country  would you like to visit?
    London as I stated before.
  8. Tell me one thing that makes you unique
    I really don’t know about this one!
  9. Who is your idol ?
    Don’t really have one, if I had to pick I would pick my parents.
  10. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
    Hopefully having a job in accounting and engaged!

My 10 questions for my 7 nominees :

  1. What’s three things on your bucketlist?
  2. Craziest thing you’ve done?
  3. What’s one place you would love to visit?
  4. Best thing you have accomplished?
  5. Favourite item (clothings, jewellery, etc).
  6. Favourite food?
  7. What made you start blogging?
  8. Where do you hope your blog to be in five years?
  9. Funniest moment you’ve had?
  10. Where do you see yourself in five years?

I nominate:






Amy x