Beauty tag

“Get To Know Me” Tag!

Hi guys!

Today I thought I’d do a tag so you guys get to know me better – also follow me on instagram if you’d like to see pics of my daily life featuring what I eat, scenery, selfies… the lot. You can find me at @aoxh or (shameless plug 😉 ) oh and I follow back!

On to the questions:

1. Is your hair naturally curly or straight? Straight.

2. Do you dye it yourself or go to a salon? I haven’t dyed my hair for about a year but when I was getting it dyed it was at a hairdresser.

3. Do you wear the same style everyday, or do you change it? I think this means hairstyle, and it really depends; sometimes I wear it in a high pony or down, rarely in a bun these days.

4. Do you do your own mani/pedi or go to a salon? I do my own because it’s much more fun and definitely cheaper.

5. How often do you change your nail polish? At the moment I’m giving my nails a break because they’re really weak but normally I change my polish every 1-1.5 weeks.

6. Do you polish your toes in the winter or just the summer? I paint them all year round because I love the look of it!

7. How long does it take for you to put on makeup? If it’s a full face of makeup I’d say about 30-45 minutes, if it’s just basic makeup I’d say 10-15minutes.

8. What do you do first? Face or eyes? Face.

9. Do you collect makeup or just buy what you need when you need it? Errr, sadly I collect it now HAHA! I’m a sucker for sales so if I see something I want I grab it… such a bad habit! This definitely relates to one of my previous posts about makeup HAHA. Click here to see the funny pic.

10. How often do you wear false eyelashes? Rarely, I’ve just recently learned how to put them on well (I’ve got almost monolids so it’s more difficult in my opinion) and I’m scared that they’ll begin to fall off throughout the day if I wear them outside!

11. Do you do a full face of makeup everyday? Nope – I’d rather sleep in before school! I only do a full face sometimes when I go out with my friends.

12. Do you wear makeup when you’re home alone or with family? Nope unless I’m just playing around with it.

13. Will you leave the house without makeup? Yup.

14. How many high-end products do you have? Umm none, can’t afford them because I’m a student!

15. Do you plan your OOTD every night or decide when you’re getting dressed? Well since I’ve got school 5/7 days of the week I don’t need to plan it (we have a uniform) but on days I go out I plan it the night before because I’m so indecisive.

16. How often do you change your handbag? This is another thing I love to collect soo I change it whenever (since I have a range of them).

17. What time do you wake up and go to sleep? On school days I wake up at 7:10am and sleep at around 12am. On weekends I wake up around 11am and sleep around 2am. Bad I know!

18. How often or when do you workout? Ahhh this question makes me sad. I used to workout almost everyday but now I’ve become lazy and stopped it altogether. I definitely need to start working out again because I’ve put on weight already -_-.

19. Left handed or right handed? Right handed.

20. How tall are you? I haven’t measured myself in like 5 years but I’d say around 172cm.

21. Do you speak any foreign languages? Nope, only English.

22. How many pets do you have? We have a bird but I’m not even fond of animals, my mum bought it.

23. How often are you on WordPress? Pretty much everyday.

24. Do you read comments posted on blogs? I read every one of them & reply to them all if they are ‘replyable’ if you know what I mean… haha totally made up a word there.

25. Do you keep a list of products to try as you see other posts? Sometimes.

26. How did you come up with your blog name? It took me ages to think of a good blog name that I liked. I wanted it to sound smart and sophisticated – it took a lot of thinking.

27. What kind of camera do you use for your photographs? My iPhone 5s, haha!

28. What’s your favorite color? Baby pink.

29. Do you swear? I try not to ever swear, so rarely and if I do it’s mainly in my head.

30. What are you doing with the rest of your day? It’s 7pm while I’m writing this so probably just have dinner, watch some youtube, read more blogs, instagram and then go to sleep (FOR SCHOOL TOMORROW ahhh 😦 ).

There you go guys, I hope you enjoyed reading my answers to this tag – it was super fun to do. I tag all of you so if you do it be sure to leave it in the comments below so I can read it! Hope you all have a lovely day/night.

Amy x

I follow all fellow bloggers back on social media!

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“This or That” Tag

Hey guys!

I’ve seen this tag going around on wordpress, so decided I’d join in and tag myself, haha ;). Hope you enjoy reading!

This or That?

Blush or bronzer?
I would have to go with bronzer, since I love how contouring looks!

Lip gloss or lip stick?
I prefer the way lipstick looks, also I don’t own any super good lipglosses (unless you count the provocalips!).

Eyeliner or mascara?
This one is easy for me, eyeliner because my lashes NEVER stay curled, no matter what I do! It’s super annoying.

Foundation or concealer?
Foundation because you can use it all over your face & I mainly use it to even out my skin tone and cover some blemishes. I barely use concealer!

Neutral or colour eye shadow?
Definitely neutral, I don’t really like attention being brought to me.

Pressed or loose eye shadows?
I think pressed, just because they’re easier to work with.

Brushes or sponges?
Brushes definitely, I’ve tried using a dupe of the beauty blender and it sucks.


OPI or China Glaze?
I’ve never tried China Glaze, so OPI.

Long or short?
Definitely long!

Acrylic or natural?
I think I’ll go with natural since acrylics are really damaging, also I love doing my own nail art (hate waiting for the polish to dry though, anyone else? -_-)
Brights or darks?
Darks – I think they look much more sophisticated.


Perfume or body splash?

Lotion or body butter?
Umm, I’ve actually never used a body butter so I suppose lotion!

Body wash or soap?
Body wash, it’s easier to use and comes in heaps of different scents.

Lush or other bath company?
I’ve actually never tried lush (ahh I know) soo other bath company.

Jeans or sweat pants?
Jeans, sweat pants sometimes look like you’ve just got out of bed.

Long sleeve or short?
Short sleeves.

Dresses or skirts?
Dresses, I used to hate wearing them but now I am obsessed. They’re perfect to throw on too without worrying about matching clothes together.
Stripes or plaid?
Stripes since I don’t own any plaid clothing!

Flip-flops or sandals?
Sandals since I only wear flip flops when going to the beach.

Scarves or hats?
Hmmm this is a hard one, I’ve recently been getting into hats but the one I bought is too big for my head -_-. I’ll have to go with scarves.

Studs or dangly earrings?
I like dangly earrings but for school I like studs or small hoops.

Necklaces or bracelets?
Definitely necklaces, for the sole reason of I lose all my bracelets. My boyfriend gave me a bracelet for my first birthday together but I LOST IT!!! Depressing :(.

Heels or flats?
I would love to be able to wear heels but I am already super tall, so I would say flats or heels with a small heel.

Jacket or hoodie?
Hoodie, I think they’re way more comfy and cute.


Curly or straight?
I have dead straight hair which is nice, but I would love to perm my hair wavy.

Bun or ponytail?
Ponytail because when I tie my hair in a high pony it looks extra long.

Bobby pins or butterfly clips?
Bobby pins, butterfly clips are too girly/young.

Hair spray or gel?
Hair spray, do girls even use gel?

Long or short?
LONG! I’ve been trying to grow my hair for like five years now, but it seriously grows slower than a snail moves.

Light or dark?
I would love to dye my hair a light golden brown, so light.

Side sweep bangs or full bangs?
Side sweep bangs.

Up or down?
I actually prefer up in a high pony so it’s out of my face.


Rain or shine?
I’d prefer shine but only if it’s below 24 degrees – I HATE hot, humid weather!

Summer or winter?
Definitely winter.

Autumn or spring?
Spring, it’s not too hot – I love the fashion of spring too.

Chocolate or vanilla?
Vanilla, I like the taste better.

Kim, Kourtney, or Khloe?
Kim. I recently watched Keeping up with the Kardashians (ahha) and she seems pretty sweet.

Coffee or tea?
I like either, but out of the two I think I would have to go with tea.

That’s all the questions in the tag, hope you guys enjoyed reading!

Amy x

I follow all fellow bloggers back on social media!

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Would You Rather Tag – Beauty Edition

Heeeyy everyone! I was tagged to do this tag (haha) by @newbeautyaddict, so here it is!

1.Would you rather go out with messy hair and nice make-up or Nice hair and no make-up?

I would rather go out with nice hair and no make-up as I’m not really uncomfortable wearing no makeup but I am conscious about how my hair looks – I think hair speaks a lot about a person’s personality!

2.Would you rather shave your eyebrows or have your eyelashes fall out?

I would rather have all my eyelashes fall out because there are always false lashes, right?!

3.Would you rather be forced to shop at only MAC or Sephora/Debenhams for the rest of your life?

Well I live in Australia, so we actually don’t have any of these stores except a Sephora which recently opened in the city. Uhhh, JOKES! Hahha, I just looked it up and apparently we have MAC too, but I’ve never seen it anywhere! Soo, yeah, can’t really answer this ones!

4.Would you rather wear lip gloss/lip liner look or 80’s perm?

Definitely lip gloss/liner!

5.Would you rather leave the house with an obvious foundation line or overdone blush?

An obvious foundation line because I think overdone blush stands out waaay more.

6.Would you rather wear MC Hammer pants or biker shorts in public?

Umm, I’m thinking biker shorts, haha!

7. Would you rather have a bad orange-y spray tan or really weird tan lines that can’t be covered?

This is a hard one… I think I would rather really bad orangey spray tan because I could cover it up with long sleeves, dress, track pants, etc.

8. Would you rather have a bad haircut or bad hair color?

A bad hair colour because you can always re-dye or grow it out.

9. Would you rather have YouTube or Twitter taken away forever?

I would definitely say twitter because I watch youtube at least once every day (bad I know, but let’s be honest, I’m sure all of you do too 😉 ).

10. Would your rather give up on using makeup brushes or mascara?

Mascara because with my semi monolid eyes they barely stay curled when I put eyelashes on -_- #asianeyeprobs.

I tag: anyone of you, be sure to leave it in my comments so I can check out your tag, of course x

Amy x

ps. I just subscribed to my first beauty box! SO excited for it to arrive – the one I subscribed to was the Violet Box.