Guess what! I just updated my blog theme so head on over here and let me know how you like it! Personally I love it and think it’s much more chic and clean. The only thing I don’t like is that the featured images appear SO big on the home page, but ah well what can you do.

The reason why I’ve been MIA for the past few weeks/month is because I’ve been studying for the HSC, which is essentially a big exam that decides whether you can go to university or not here in Australia, it’s quite daunting. It starts next Monday and I finish on the 28th October, once I do I’ll be back to blogging three times a week – I miss it so much! Oh yeah, and I GRADUATED about three weeks ago which was pretty exciting, we were the first year to get graduation gowns, I posted some pics on my personal instagram if you’d like to see.

Anyway, I hope you all are doing well and look out for my post this Saturday, it’s a haul from Facial Co and reviews on the products I got!

Amy x

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